Part 73
Update 70:

Going back. This should be relatively easy. It has been done before. And without Dante. Let's advance.
Here is a change, Kagutsuchi SAYS DIFFERENT THINGS. In the previous time, he could not see what was in Insert's heart, this time... He can.

He can look into Insert's heart now. He won't like what he sees.

Well, that is similar enough.

Dante levels up, and this one is too good to not get.

Holy Star removes the effects of debuff spells. Don't need it.

SCREW War Cry, Pierce is superior.
Advancing more: Pretty much the same for now.

Ahriman appears!

Ahriman goes down!
Easily, thanks to focus, Debilitate, Tarukaja and Deadly Fury.

Yeah yeah, you've seen things. Etc. Die already, I want the treasure.

There it is. Ahriman is down. Next time, Noah shall fall, with luck, and some grinding.